Learning an additional language has been recognised as one of the essential learning areas in the New Zealand curriculum. This enables students to learn how to communicate in an additional language, develop their capacity to learn further languages and explore different cultures and views in relation to their own.
Languages link people locally and globally and play an important role in shaping the world.
By learning an additional language and its' culture, students come to appreciate and understand diversity and increase their understanding of their own language.
Te Reo Māori
Junior learners are supported to develop communication skills in te reo Māori through listening, reading, writing and speaking. Language learning skills are explicitly taught. There is an emphasis on learning and using basic formulaic language, as well as foundational grammar structures and vocabulary. Students engage in cultural activities, including visual and performing arts, and gaining cultural knowledge, including learning well-known karakia and pūrākau. A class trip to a local marae is included in the programme to consolidate learning about pepeha, mihi, manaakitanga, hui and powhiri.
Senior learners are expected to achieve social competence in te reo Māori, and leave school with personal independence in te reo Māori. Through a focus on local topics, students learn through ako and become increasingly confident in experimenting with familiar and new language. Achievement Standards are offered on a portfolio basis, and an assessment programme that suits each learner is developed. In addition, Unit Standards are offered where relevant. Opportunities for authentic language exposure and practice are included in the programme, including competitions, hui, powhiri and wānanga.
Studying Japanese at Kaikorai Valley College gives students the opportunity to explore and learn, not only a fascinating language, but also a unique and sophisticated culture that dates back thousands of years.
Students begin in Years 7 and 8, learning the basics of the language and culture such as greetings, numbers and how to introduce themselves. In Year 9 they began to learn how to read and write in Japanese and how the different scripts are used.
Japanese becomes an option subject in Year 10 and the student can choose to study it through to Year 13 and NCEA level 3.
There is also the opportunity for our students to host students from our sister school, Sakuragaoka each year, and also be selected for our biannual school trip to Japan.
The trip travels around Japan for two weeks and visits Tokyo Kyoto and our sister school in Toyohashi.