Welcome from the Principal (Tumuaki)
Nau Mai, Haere mai
Welcome to Kaikorai Valley College - a college where the well-being, growth, and success of our students are at the heart of the decisions we make and how we operate. As a medium-sized college, we can ensure that every student receives the best possible support so that they can achieve personal excellence in their academic, cultural or sporting interests.
Striving for personal excellence is a fundamental principle at our college. We encourage all of our students to extend themselves, to try a little bit harder, and become better, one small step at a time. At KVC we recognise that for students to be the best version of themselves requires a strong partnership between the family and the college, this is why we actively encourage caregivers to participate in their child’s journey at our college and send regular communications on their child’s progress.
To strengthen the relationship between the college and home each student is assigned to a Whānau Group which is led by a Whānau Teacher who oversees their pastoral care, wellbeing, and academic progress. Families will get to know the Whānau Teacher over the course of their relationship with KVC and they will become a key point of communication between the college and home, as well as provide mentoring for each student.
A key advantage we have at KVC is that we cater for students from years 7 through to 13. This means we can prepare students at Years 7 and 8 for all of the opportunities that present themselves at Years 9 through to 13. As a college, we have specialist teachers and teaching facilities. Year 7 and 8 students are assigned to a Homeroom teacher much like primary school, but also participate in courses where they are taught by specialist teachers of Art, Technology, Physical Education, Music, Science, Mathematics, and Languages. This ensures thorough preparation for the NCEA qualifications at the senior school.
The college is situated in a beautiful park-like setting, with two major fields for students to utilise, extensive planting, a stream that runs through the college, and an Urban Farm. The Urban Farm has an orchard, chicken coop, stream, and farm animals. This space is used extensively for learning purposes is a popular learning environment with our students and is unique in Dunedin.
At Kaikorai Valley College we unashamedly expect high standards of behaviour from all of our students and encourage all to strive for personal excellence in a caring, supportive, and positive manner.
We look forward to you joining us at Kaikorai Valley College.
Ngā mihi
Jatin Bali
Tumuaki (Principal)
Introducing our Head students: