Board of Kaikorai Valley College

Board of Kaikorai Valley College

Work: Retired (formerly Team Leader at Contact Energy)

Affiliation: two children previously studied at the College.

Length of Service: 26 years, having been re-elected in 2022 for a further three years.

Portfolio: Presiding Member, and member of Finance, Property and International committees, Chair of the Disciplinary Committee

Work: Financial Reporting Manager at SCOTT

Affiliation: Began in 2005 when the eldest of my three children joined the College. My youngest child has now left.

Length of Service: Elected in 2016 for three years and re-elected in 2022. Was previously elected in 2013 but resigned after 18 months for independent reasons.

Portfolio: Parent representative and Chair of the Finance committee.

Work: Principal, Kaikorai Valley College

Affiliation: Principal of KVC since the beginning of the 2024 school year

Portfolio: CEO, responsible for the management of the school

Work: Warden, University of Otago Flats (Uniflats). Along with my team, we look after an international cohort of 750 residents, across 180 individual flats located in North Dunedin.
I have extensive operational (property management, maintenance and annual planning), and pastoral care (student selection, wellbeing, crisis management, fun!) experience.

Affiliation: one son, who left KVC in 2021

Length of Service: Re-elected in 2022

Portfolio: Chair of the Property Committee

Work: Finance Manager in Property Services at the University of Otago and Provisional Chartered Accountant

Affiliation: Since 2020 when my son, now in Year 12, started at the College

Service: Elected in 2024


Work: Senior Analyst - Treaty Partnerships at Ministry for the Environment

Affiliation: One child at KVC

Service: Elected in 2022

Portfolio: Chair International Committee

Work: Resource Teacher of the Deaf 

Affiliation:   I have been associated with KVC for 7 years. My son is currently in Year 11 and has been here since Year 7. My daughter was previously enrolled in the Brathwaite Centre leaving in 2019. She joined the Brathwaite Centre in 2015

Service: Board member since September 2022

Portfolio: Parent Rep, Chair Special Needs Committee

Work: Software Engineer, Starboard Maritime Intelligence

Affiliation: One child at KVC currently and another finished in 2021

Service: Board member since March 2022, previously water polo coach

Portfolio: Parent Rep, Chair Health and Safety Committee 

Work: Teacher at Kaikorai Valley College.

Affiliation: Staff representative.

Length of Service: 2 years.

Portfolio: Teacher Year 7 Homeroom, Specialist Classroom Teacher (SCT), Staff Representative.

Name: Joshua Hopping

Work: Year 11 Student at Kaikorai Valley College.

Length of Service: Elected in 2024, first year as student representative.

Portfolio: Student Representative.