
At Kaikorai Valley College we  offer a broad curriculum to cater for the passions of all students.

At Kaikorai Valley College we offer a wide range of subject choices.
Ākonga/students in Years 7, 8 study subjects covering all eight learning areas of the New Zealand curriculum.

Year 9 and 10 ākonga will study English (Literacy), Mathematics (Numeracy) and Health throughout the year. They will also select another 8 other courses with choices available from all learning areas (see the table below).

Senior ākonga/students choose from a varied selection of academic and vocational subjects.
Senior ākonga wishing to study a subject not on offer, may have the option to study via distance learning.

Year 7 and 8

Core Subjects - taught by Homeroom and Specialist Teachers

English / Mathematics / Social Studies / Science / Physical Education / Health

Module Subjects - taught by Specialist Teachers. Students rotate through the modules over a two-year period.

Dance / Design & Visual Communication / Digital Technology / Drama Fabrics Technology / Food Technology / Hard Materials Technology Japanese / Māori / Music / Robotics / Visual Art


Year 9 and 10 Overview

Compulsory Subjects

English / Mathematics / Health / Aotearoa NZ Histories / Financial Literacy / Te Reo Māori

Option Subjects - Students choose 8 courses from the

following Learning Areas

The Arts / Languages / Physical Education / Sciences / Social Sciences Technology / Urban Farm

Students must study at least one Science, Social Science, and Physical Education course each year (see below)

Students must study at least one Technology and Arts course during the two year period

Students must complete the Science Foundations course during the two year period


 Year 9 and 10 Option Courses

The Arts


Physical Education


Social Science


Behind the Scenes. The Technology of Drama

Introduction to Japanese

(year 9 students)

Born to Move

Science Foundations

Kia mau ki tou ukaipo - Don’t Forget Your Roots

Cafe Culture

Create the Space Hangaiate wahi

Japanese Language and Culture

(Year 10 students)

Let’s Get Active

Age of Super Heroes

Ancient Antics

Street Food

The Play’s the Thing

Japanese Life and Scripts (Year 10 students)

Moving, Moving, Moving

Mars Colony

Hitler, the Holocaust and the Birth of Human Rights

Better Breakfasts

Gaming, Film, and Electronic Music Technology

Ngā Tikanga me Te Ao Māori

Sports Academy

Marvels of the Physical World

New Zealanders at War, Changing Views on Conflict

Utility Bag

Jamming Out

Te Tupuranga o Te Reo Māori

Sports Education

Stuff Your Face

Money Talks

Colour and Make

The Next Big Star


Train to Gain

Nurturing Nature’s Guardian

The Amazing Race

Lets Build Metal Based Projects

Pop Culture



Crime Scene Investigations (CSI)

Truth in Film

Toy Making Multi Materials

Mix and Match



To Infinity and Beyond

When Nature Fights Back

Lets Construct Wood Based Projects




Urban Farm Course

 Contested Identities: Changing views on conflict

Learning to become a Designer




Agriculture and Sustainability


Web Design






Digital Artistry






Game Design



Senior School



choose 3

choose 5

choose 6


Students Year 11 subjects 

Students Year 12 subjects

Students Year 13 subject



English - Compulsory

English - Compulsory




Mathematics - Compulsory


Calculus, Statistics, Mathematics



Science - Compulsory

Biology, Chemistry, Physics

Biology, Chemistry, Physics

Social Science


Geography, History

Geography, History

Geography, History


Mahi toi

Visual Art, Music, Drama

Visual Art, Photography, Painting, Music, Drama

Visual Art, Photography, Painting, Music, Drama



Home Economics, Design & Visual Communication, Food Technology, Textiles Technology

Hard Materials Technology Digital Technology

Hospitality, Design & Visual Communication, Food Technology

Textiles Technology

Hard Materials Technology, Digital Technology

Hospitality, Design & Visual Communication, Food Technology

Textiles Technology

Hard Materials Technology, Digital Technology


Ngā Reo

Japanese Māori

Japanese, Māori

Japanese, Māori

Health and Physical Education Hauora

Physical Education

Physical Education

Physical Education, Outdoor Pursuits

Other Courses

Distance and eLearning options

STAR and Gateway OSTC

Distance and eLearning options

Year 12 activities programme

All Year 12 ākonga participate in a programme that includes Outdoor Education, Work Experience, the Growing Coaches programme and a building project on the school’s Urban Farm

STAR and Gateway OSTC

Distance and eLearning Options


Senior ākonga/students have the opportunity to study courses at the Otago Secondary-Tertiary College (OSTC). These courses are based at the Otago Polytechnic on Fridays and give ākonga qualifications towards both NCEA and various career pathways.

Senior ākonga/students have the opportunity to participate in the Gateway programme. This is a work experience course, which also gains NCEA credits.

Year 7 and 8 Curriculum

Students are based in a homeroom with a primary trained teacher. In their homeroom students learn reading, language skills, social studies and health. In class grouping caters for different abilities. For Mathematics, students from each year level join together and are placed in learning groups according to their level of achievement. Students are taught Science and Physical Education by specialist subject teachers.

Students experience a broad curriculum by rotating through modules of Art, Drama, Music, Japanese, Food Technology, Digital Technology, Design & Visual Communication, Hard Materials Technology, Dance, Robotics, Textiles Technology, Te Reo Māori. These are taught by specialist subject teachers.

Kaikorai Valley Junior College students have the advantage of being taught by a homeroom teacher and specialist subject teachers. Students are taught in specialist facilities such as the science laboratories, music suite, drama theatre, gymnasium, art rooms, computer suites, whare pukapuka (library) information centre and technology workshops.

Year 9 Curriculum

Students are placed in a Form Class, and study the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Physical Education, Health and Careers.

One Form Class may be a smaller group; a learning support class developed with the aim to help accelerate the learning of students who have previously struggled academically. There will also be teacher-aide support in this class in an effort to improve the students core subject’s skills.

High achieving students are identified and given extension work and opportunities to join extension programmes.

All students are regrouped with other students from their year level for module classes. All students rotate through modules of Art, Music, Drama, Food Technology, Design and Visual Communication, Hard Materials Technology, Digital Technology, Japanese, Te Reo Māori, Textiles Technology.

All subjects are taught by specialist subject teachers.

Year 10 Curriculum

Students are placed in a Form Class, and study the core subjects of English, Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, Physical Education, Health and Careers.

One Form Class maybe a smaller group; a learning support class developed with the aim to help accelerate the learning of students who have previously struggled academically. There will also be teacher-aide support in this class in an effort to improve the students’ core subject’s skills.

High achieving students are identified and given extension work and opportunities to join extension programmes.

Students choose three other subjects of their choice. The current optional subjects are: Art, Music, Drama, Food Technology, Design and Visual Communication, Hard Materials Technology, Digital Technology, Japanese, Geography and History, Textiles Technology, Business Studies, Te Reo Māori.

All subjects are taught by specialist subject teachers.

Year 11 Curriculum

The aim at this level is to assist all students to meet the NCEA Level 1 Literacy and Numeracy requirements and gain at least 80 credits over the six subjects to gain the Level 1 National Certificate of Educational Achievement.

All Year 11 students study six subjects. English, Mathematics and Science are compulsory. Students select three subjects of their choice.  The current option subjects are Geography, History, Visual Art, Music, Drama, Design & Visual Communication, Hard Materials Technology, Digital Technology, Japanese, Physical Education, Skills for Employment, Food Technology, Textiles Technology and Te Reo Māori.

Year 12 Curriculum

The aim at this level is for students to gain at least 60 credits to obtain the Level 2 National Certificate of Educational Achievement. As well as the 10 University Entrance Literacy credits, students are also earning credits towards their Vocational Pathway.

All students must study English. Students then choose four optional subjects. These subjects can be academic, vocational or a mixture of both.

The current Year 12 options are: Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Media Studies, Accounting, Geography, History, Visual Art, Music, Drama, Hospitality, Design & Visual Communication, Hard Materials Technology Wood and Metal, Digital Technology, Japanese, Physical Education,  Skills for Employment, Gateway, Otago Secondary Tertiary College. Textiles Technology and Photography.

Career counselling and work experience are offered to all. An extensive network of employers known to the school often means students can do work experience or find good occupations or apprenticeships to enter.

One afternoon a week all Year 12 students are involved in a variety of activities such as outdoor education, work experience, first aid, community service.  The students also participate in a project on the school's Urban Farm.

Students have the opportunity to study courses towards their vocational pathway at the Otago Secondary Tertiary College run by the Otago Polytechnic one day a week. Current courses on offer are: Automotive, Carpentry/Building and Construction, Cookery, Manaaki Tauira/Civil Engineering, Engineering, Agriculture/Horticulture, IT and Design, Sports' Exercise and  Health and Salon Skills.

Gateway is a structured workplace learning option for students who are ready to explore a career option in the workplace. Students are placed in a workplace usually one day a week.

STAR programmes are short courses leading to unit standard credits which give students experience in a career field.

Year 13 Curriculum

At Year 13 courses are arranged to meet the needs of the individual student. Careful guidance is given about the requirements to gain University Entrance, Vocational Pathways and the 60 credits needed to gain the Level 3 National Certificate of Educational Achievement. Able students are encouraged to enter the Scholarship examinations.

There are no compulsory subjects at year 13. Students are encouraged to select subjects that match their possible Vocational Pathway.

The current Year 13 options are: English, Media Studies, Calculus, Statistics, Mathematics, Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Media Studies, Geography, History, Visual Art, Photography, Music, Drama, Hospitality, Design & Visual Communication, Digital Technology, Japanese, Physical Education, Outdoor Pursuits, Hard Materials Technology Wood and Metal, Gateway, Otago Secondary Tertiary College, Textiles Technology.

Students have the opportunity to study courses towards their vocational pathway at the Otago Secondary Tertiary College run by the Otago Polytechnic one day a week. Current courses on offer are:  Automotive, Carpentry/Building and Construction, Cookery, Manaaki Tauira/Civil Engineering, Engineering, Agriculture/Horticulture, IT and Design, Sports' Exercise and  Health and Salon Skills.

Gateway is a structured workplace learning option for students who are ready to explore a career option in the workplace. Students are placed in a workplace usually one day a week.

STAR programmes are short courses leading to unit standard credits which give students experience in a career field.